There's now a high quality recording of "Beneath the Sun"! And lead sheet and chord sheet!
The recording is thanks to the hard work and creative musicality of my longtime friend Joey Hoelscher and his friend Aaron Thomas, both of Faith Church (Milford, OH).
I love their explanation, wrote by my friend Joey:
A Song for a “Weird” BookWhy introduce a song for a “weird” book? Because that book is the inspired Word of God, and it’s “profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness” (2 Tim 3:16, CSB). So even if the book feels a little uncomfortable at times, God intends for us to be taught, rebuked, corrected, and trained in righteousness through it.
And if we believe that’s true, then why not sing about it?
Songs for All of Life
If it’s true that the songs we sing in corporate worship should align with the Scriptures, then we benefit from songs for all of life: not just for joy and jubilation at our salvation or future reward, and not just for lament or confession. We need songs that do both of those things and many others, and we would benefit from songs that touch on other facets of life, including the gritty here-and-now observations of Ecclesiastes.
A New Song for the Church
The second reason to introduce this song in this way is more practical: this modern hymn is virtually unknown.
Most of the songs we teach at Faith are either old and well-known or new and professionally published; this is neither. It exists as a hymnal insert, and that’s it so far.
I maintain a weekly worship playlist so that the body at Faith can listen ahead of time to the songs we’re planning to sing each week, and occasionally we place some printed hymn sheets or lead sheets in the back of the sanctuary when introducing a new song. But none of those things — lead sheet, chord chart, recording — existed for this song.
So to teach this well, we needed to produce more resources ourselves. The things we would normally just buy or share from others didn’t exist — so we created them."
Here's the links I mentioned:
Recording: YouTube / YouTube Music